The Danny Morris Band
The Danny Morris Band
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The Danny Morris Band
  Assorted Press Quotes...

      "Prodigious guitar talent.... musically diverse. Otis Rush meets Dick Dale."...."Albert Collins melts strings with a surfin' Dick Dale."...."Dick Dale meets Stevie Ray."...."0tis Rush meets the Ventures; Magic Slim on a Surfin' Safari."

      "Fans can expect lots of 50's guitar rock with equal amounts of surfy twang and roots music to come from this D.C.-based power trio."
      Jim English, ESP Magazine, NC

      "Morris is steeped in the work of Dick Dale and Duane Eddy, and the music the band plays is hard, fast and performed with a calm intensity that drove one middle-age couple to move a few tables aside and start doing a frenetic rock 'n' roll tango."

      "It's hard to imagine anyone not being impressed by Morris' versatility and imagination".
      Mike Joyce, Washington Post

      "Danny Morris is one of the few guitarists who synthesizes surf and blues guitar. ... a guitar lover's head trip. If I played guitar like Danny Morris, I wouldn't worry either!"
      Art Tipaldi, Blues Revue

      "This guy could be the heir to the throne left vacant by the death of Danny Gatton."
      Greg Barbera, Spectator Magazine, NC

      "Beware that his guitar blues work is infectious. I Won't Worry is a keeper."
      Kenny Hill, Blues News, VA

      "Morris takes the blues and marries it with the reverb-drenched surf guitar sounds of Dick Dale.This guy can play a guitar like a monster, as his stint with the Nighthawks attests."
      Big Boy Peach, Creative Loafing

      "A serious and scintillating bluesman. Morris makes his guitar howl, moan, and scream with more emotion than almost any lead singer.... remarkably enjoyable."
      Hal Horowitz

      "He has taken a blues background, tossed in '60s surf guitar and garage band rock, along with a touch of this and a little of that to create a unique and appealing sound"
      Elliot Crews, Up & Coming

      "An exciting amalgam of blues, surf, rockabilly and punk. Morris inhabits that territory where blues and surf meet, not such a stretch when you consider some of the same guitar dynamics were employed by blues masters like Buddy Guy, Otis Rush, and Magic Sam. Morris simply follows the connections to their logical conclusions then blows them all to hell."
      Bob Weinberg, City Link

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Danny Morris Band Booking Information: (321) 427-0150