The Danny Morris Band
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The Danny Morris Band
  Maria Villafana- The Washington Post - 10/23/01
"Danny Morris: CD Release"

      "The Golden Prize," Danny Morris's third album, makes its first area appearance at the artist's Oct. 26 performance at Fat Tuesday's in Fairfax.
      Morris spent two years trying to take the new album to a national audience -- first considering a self-release, then securing backing from New Moon records and re-recording his songs in a New Jersey studio this past spring. He is pleased with the finished product and says "it captures how we sound now."
      His three-piece band (bassist John David Coppola and drummer Joe Wells) does most of the work on this album, but there is also a guest appearance by saxman Jimmy Carpenter. A longtime friend of Morris's from his formative days in North Carolina, Carpenter is the new man in Jimmy Thackery's band, the Drivers.
      "The way the songs came together it's not necessarily a blues record or a surf record -- it's a roots rock and rock 'n' roll record. I like this one the best so far," says Morris. But he adds, "I just try to make a good record and let everybody else label it."
      Morris appeals to guitar fans and those that like roots rock. It's hard not to be impressed by his versatility and command of the fret board. "The Golden Prize" sums up the diverse styles that have influenced Morris -- guitar novelties, surf rock, blues, reggae and even Latin music.
      Originally from Greensboro, N.C., Morris moved to Northern Virginia in '91 to play lead for the Nighthawks. In the late '90s, he released "I Won't Worry" and "Storm Surge." Both CDs showcased his eclectic tastes and the ease with which he can move on the frets from cruising into overdrive.
      "No One Knows Virginia," off the new album, can be heard on the band's MP3 page. The Danny Morris Band also plays Bangkok Blues Oct. 27.

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