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Surfer Stone Scruggs -
MUSIC MONTHLY - 08/22/04
The Danny Morris Band - BJ's,Ocean City
Mellow Beach on 46th Street was an institution for live music on the barrier island. It was acquired last year by developers to be razed, yet another unfortunate victim of the condo craze that's spread like a vims of gentrification through the resort town. But that's either a news article or an editorial; this is ostensibly a review. Mellow Beach is lamented for much, but as for
my own reminiscence (yes, it is always
about me) the September session with the
great Danny Morris is the harbinger of fall,
the coupe de grace of them all. That was
three years ago. Not long after that. the
Virginia resident guitar player (understate-
ment) high tailed it on down to Florida,
escaping forever (or at least until he relo-
cales again, this being the Charlotte
native's third relocation) these heinous mid
Atlantic winters. Now with a degree from
Full Sail College of engineering, he's got a
license in studio tech to produce his fourth
full length the right way- his. That we'll
hear in a couple months, and then hope-
fully he'll be back up here to promote it.
In the meantime, we'll keep blissing
out on The Golden Prize (praised in detail
within these pages in the October 2KI is-
sue) and the new memories from the blues
and surf master, ex-Nighthawks guitarist's
appearance Sunday night at BJ's On The
Water- baywater, that is. Yes, the same se-
rene restaurant that offers live and usually
lively music most nights at nine. Thanks
to owner Billy Carder for giving a great
musician a refuge following the demise of
his old hang. After three years, we met the
new bosssame as the old boss. Still
Stevie Ray Vaughan- style (and -worthy)
leads and Chris Isaak-esque songs, backed
by the basic bass-drums configuration that
kept it real for those respected six string
stars ofrockabilly/blues. Morris is still wail-
ing shock and awe inducing solos over
classic instros "Walk Don't Run" and "Secret Agent Man", and
handling vocals as well on old haunts "Kansas City" and
"Memphis". And he's doing it in three sets a night.
Catch one after catching a wave in Cocoa Beach,
where the trio is house band at Coconuts beach bar, in addition
to holding residencies at another club or two.