The Danny Morris Band
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The Danny Morris Band
  Shaun Dale - Cosmic Debris Magazine - 2/2002
The Golden Prize (New Moon)

      The opening bars of "Twistin' Kristin" will have you ready to proclaim the new king of rockabilly, but just you wait. A few minutes later you'll have surfed the skies of "Flight School" and be deep in the Latin groove of "You're Mine." Confusing? A little. But satisfying, too, in its own way. Danny Morris, who left the straight blues straightjacket of DC's Nighthawks a few years back to explore new musical territory, is not ready to be tied down to a style yet. With influences from Dick Dale to Stevie Ray Vaughan, Otis Rush to the Ventures, or just about anyone who strikes his fancy to just about anyone else, Morris has a rare combination of chops and taste that allow him to follow his muse wherever it leads, from Brazil to the Bayou, from the California sun to the smoky bars of Chi-town's Southside.
       The Golden Prize is a fourteen song romp across the musical landscape whose only proper home is in your CD player, where it can take you off on a musical grand tour of your own.

Track List:
Twistin' Kristin * Flight School * Baila Para Mi... * You're Mine * All I Think About * No One Knows Virginia * I Only Have Eyes For You * Arthur's Boogie * Our Moon * I Was A Mountain * Pipeline * Ooh Wee! * Please, Please Me * Stop Teasing Me

Shaun Dale     

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